Jul 9Liked by Toko-pa Turner

I needed to read this: "But another, quieter voice urges us to stop. Don’t commodify this loss. Don’t be so hasty to make the events of heartbreak meaningful. Not before the magnitude of what’s been destroyed can be witnessed in its entirety." To be given permission to slow down. To not force the alchemy. Thank you.

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Jul 8Liked by Toko-pa Turner

I have been having this experience too but with mechanical body issues and a long, grueling work trauma. Bless you ✨ I will try and be more willing to sit in the burn pile, bc the trees to rebuild aren't ready yet

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Jul 27Liked by Toko-pa Turner

"To be fumbling and full of grief, because what we always counted on has been struck from our horizon." So powerful an image, thank you. l know you wrote more, but something about a vision ahead being suddenly "struck from our horizon" sung true as a temple bell.

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Jul 14Liked by Toko-pa Turner

Thanks for this Toko-pa. Yes to being with whatever it is for as long as it’s there to be with.

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Jul 13Liked by Toko-pa Turner

"Yes, a new constellation in consciousness will emerge from this carnage." What a beautiful way to put it. I'm glad I found this newsletter. +1 subscriber. 😊

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Jul 10Liked by Toko-pa Turner

Are you addressing the current political situations we are currently confronting?

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Jul 10·edited Jul 11Author

My writing comes out of the process I describe here. I try to let myself be bewildered for as long as it takes to find something true in the remains. If it resonates for others, it means I've touched on the underlying archetypes or patterns that give rise to manifest events.

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Your writing is very poetic yet doesn’t miss its mark! 💗

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Jul 8Liked by Toko-pa Turner

How to be in the in-between place with trust is always a challenge for me, but its happened so many times, I think I might be getting the message. :-)

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Thank you for this blessed reminder... 🙏

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